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birth-3 years

Gross Motor

Fine/Visual Motor



6 months:​

  • Rolls purposefully from tummy to back

  • Rolls back to tummy but maybe not both directions yet

  • Begins to sit alone 

  • Starts to reach for toys


12 months (1 year): 

  • Pulls to stand using furniture

  • May be able to stand alone

  • May already be walking (with and without support)

  • Imitates clapping and waving

  • Rolls/throws a ball in forward direction


18 months:

  • Walking independently

  • Pushes and pulls large toys

  • Can carry a toy while walking

  • Begins to attempt kicking ball in forward direction


24 months (2 years):

  • Squats to play

  • Runs without falling

  • Walks up stairs without support (on feet)

  • Jumps up off floor with both feet

  • Able to throw a small ball forward about 3 ft

  • Moves on ride on toy without pedals

6 months:​

  • Transfers objects from hand to hand

  • May begin to bring bottle to mouth with both hands

  • Can start to track objects with just eyes

  • Picks up object using a raking motion

  • Prefers black/white or high contrasting colors


12 months (1 year): 

  • Starts to bang two objects at midline together

  • Voluntarily releases objects from hand

  • May begin to point with index finger

  • May stack 2 blocks

  • Puts objects in containers


18 months:

  • Pulls toys connected to a string

  • May begin to feed self (or show interest in) with a spoon

  • Puts toys away with assistance

  • Stacks 4-6 blocks independently

  • Imitates vertical strokes/lines

  • Uses both hands independent from one another (i.e. one hand stabilizes a toy while the other engages)


24 months (2 years):

  • Holds small cup with one or both hands

  • Opens door by turning hand

  • Holds crayon/tool with thumb and fingers

  • Strings 1 bead

  • Imitates horizontal strokes/lines

  • Builds 3 block train

  • Snips with scissors

  • Turns pages in a book one at a time

6 months:​

  • Responds to music and rhythm

  • Enjoys social play (i.e. peek-a-boo)

  • Responds to social interaction by smiling

  • Repeats enjoyable activities

  • Imitates some facial expressions

  • May begin to show separation anxiety


12 months (1 year): 

  • Extends toys to show/share

  • Shows toy preferences

  • May begin to show signs of shyness with strangers

  • Begins to test parents responses to behavior


18 months:

  • Hugs and kisses parents

  • Uses gestures in play

  • Manipulates objects with intent

  • Parallel play begins to emerge

  • Begins to get easily frustrated


24 months (2 years):

  • Engages best with 1 peer (usually older) - not sibling

  • Initiates own play but need supervision to carry out ideas

  • Dramatizes using a doll

  • Displays shyness in outside situations

6 months:​

  • Will begin to show interest in holding own bottle

  • Able to coordinate suck, swallow, breath sequence 

  • Communicates hunger, fear, discomfort by crying


12 months (1 year): 

  • Begins to finger feed self

  • Holds a spoon independently

  • Pulls at socks - may get them off


18 months:

  • Removes socks independently

  • May begin notifying parents their diaper is soiled

  • Sits on toilet when placed there and supervised 

  • "Cooperates" with dressing (i.e. holds arms and legs out)

  • Engages in bath time and may assist in washing


24 months (2 years):

  • Begins to pull pants down with assistance during dressing

  • Removes unfastened coat

  • Removes shoes if laces are untied

  • Finds armholes in pullover shirt

  • Shows interest in potty training

Please note: Milestones/skill sets are not all encompassing. These are to give you an idea of what skills you may see your child be able to accomplish at each age. All children develop at different rates, so your child may or may not be able to do all skills listed. 

Information gathered from:


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